
Fast Track Your EB1A Green Card: Exploring EB1A Premium Processing

EB1A Premium Processing Explained

Fast Track Your EB1A Green Card: Exploring EB1A Premium Processing The EB1A visa category offers an advantage by allowing you to submit premium processing requests, which speeds up the adjudication process of the EB1A petition. However, many people hesitate to choose EB1A premium processing, fearing that it may result in Requests for Evidence (RFEs). Is this […]

Decoding EB1A Citations: Are Citations a Mandatory Requirement for EB1A?

Are Citations a Mandatory Requirement for EB1A?

Decoding EB1A Citations: Are Citations a Mandatory Requirement for EB1A? EB1A is intended for individuals with extraordinary abilities in diverse fields such as arts, education, science, business, and sports. Many assume that numerous EB1A citations are necessary to qualify for EB1A. Is this true? No. Citations serve as one form of evidence to demonstrate the impact […]

All set for EB1A? Dive into VIP Plan