
Laid Off on H1B? Secure Your Future with These Viable Options

Options after layoffs on H1B

Laid Off on H1B? Secure Your Future with These Viable Options Layoffs are becoming increasingly common in the US. According to the layoffs.fyi tracking site, in 2023, 260,000 people were laid off by companies. As we entered 2024, we held hopes for economic improvement and a decrease in layoffs. However, as of April 2024, 74,000 people […]

Employment-Based Green Card Processing Times: All You Need to Know (2024)

Employment-Based Green Card Processing Times

Employment-Based Green Card Processing Times: All You Need to Know (2024) How long does it take to obtain my green card? This is a common question people ask, often even before understanding the requirements for their specific green card category. Many highly skilled foreign workers in the US aim for green card categories such as EB1, […]

All set for EB1A? Dive into VIP Plan