smart green card

Success of a Civil Engineer in the EB1A Category with the Assistance of the Smart Green Card Program

Aditya, a mechanical engineer, transitioned into a civil engineering role in the US. He works for a general contractor leveraging his expertise in Ultra High Performance Concrete for constructing large residential buildings, hospitals, and other structures.
Aditya arrived in the US in 2017 to pursue his master’s degree in mechanical engineering. After graduating in 2019, he shifted gears and began working in precast facilities, which are related to civil engineering.
As an H1B visa holder, he planned to apply for an EB-5 visa, commonly known as an investor visa (which needs hundreds of thousands in investments), in the future. Meanwhile, he came across an advertisement for the Smart Green Card program and learned about the EB1A green card route. Realizing his expertise in his field, he joined the Smart Green Card VIP plan to receive guidance and support for his EB1A journey. That’s how his EB1A journey began.
Read his story to understand how he addressed the challenges on his EB1A path, eventually achieving success with the help of the Smart Green Card program.

Identifying his Niche Area:

In Aditya’s profile, it is quite difficult to pinpoint his niche, as he is a mechanical engineer working in a civil engineering role in the US. As a mechanical engineer, he worked on designing and building race cars back in India. Essentially, in his civil engineering role, he is responsible for construction projects. So, midway through our assessment, we identified his expertise in structural engineering, specifically with a very unique type of concrete, which involves designing and constructing structures commonly.

Effective Strategies to Navigate the EB1A Criteria:

With the guidance of the Smart Green Card team, Aditya aimed to meet the six EB1A criteria: Scholarly Articles, Awards, Critical Role, Original Contribution, Media, and Judging.


Authorship Criteria: 

Aditya had no idea about writing papers and the publishing process.
After joining our Smart Green Card VIP plan, we guided him to write papers in his field, assisting him all the way from topic selection from his expertise and work, to providing samples, templates and formats, and researching specific high-impact journals to publish the highly specialized scholarly work that he had generated. Peer-review process and a good impact factor was paramount while looking for journals to publish papers.
In our success story spotlight session, Aditya noted that our team was surprised when he sent his first draft of the paper. The paper was lengthy and discussed various aspects of problems he had solved in his niche area. Consequently, our team recommended that he divide that particular paper into three separate papers. Finally, he authored 6 impactful papers and even presented one paper at a major conference in his field.

Original Contribution Criteria:

Upon analyzing his profile, our team discovered that his work is being utilized by others in his field. However, he doesn’t have citations at all.
For instance, our team found that the paper he published at a conference was about the unique product he developed, which was subsequently employed by a company in his field. We recommended linking this to fulfill the original contribution criteria, and approached the respective company to obtain the relevant letters of impact.

Awards Criteria:

During our team’s discussion with him, Aditya mentioned that either his team or the project he was involved in had received awards. Additionally, he emphasized his significant contribution to these projects, which directly contributed to receiving the awards.
Therefore, the Smart Green Card team suggested including these team awards for EB1A, supported by supporting secondary evidence which we worked consistently with him to put together, as he played a crucial role in those projects. That said, he had four awards meeting the EB1A awards criteria.


Aditya has made significant contributions in his field; he had one press mention in a minor trade publications prior to joining our program, with very limited reach. Our team helped secure six additional press coverages by proactively pitching various aspects of his emerging story to journalists at major media publications with significantly larger audiences and outlets relevant to his fields of endeavor.

Judging Criteria:

The Smart Green Card team recommended various judging opportunities in his field. However, despite his persistent pitching to numerous opportunities, he didn’t secure one for the first few months. This is very typical, since judging opportunities are very seasonal and dependent on several external factors.
Nevertheless, our team relentlessly continued working to keep finding him opportunities through our strategic networks. Gradually, he was able to unlock a series of consistent judging opportunities directly in his niche. As a result, he has participated in judging activities for nine peer reviews and evaluated individuals for four awards, which led him to comfortably continue getting invited to judge many other events in his field.

Final Merits Determination:

In the final merits determination part, we found that the unique product he developed in his field is gaining traction in the US and has a huge market in other countries. He is also one of the top experts in his field who knows how to develop such products. Moreover, the product substantially benefits the US, as our team discovered through government articles. Therefore, we suggested essentially incorporating his story into the final merits determination phase.

EB1A Achievement Unlocked:

With Smart Green Card strategies and Aditya’s persistent efforts, he obtained his EB1A approval. The Smart Green Card helped him identify his niche area and utilize his expertise for EB1A success. Moreover, the Smart Green Card program assisted him in gathering robust evidence for EB1A. As a result, he received his EB1A approval without facing any RFEs.

The Smart Green Card client success management team is fantastic; they guide you through every step of your EB1A path. Smart Green Card's tailored strategies helped me leverage my expertise and played a big role in my EB1A success

Aditya - Mechanical Engineer

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